Lobo Theatre Company Proudly Presents:

The Lobo Theatre Company shined on stage at the UIL One Act Play contest, securing 2nd place and advancing to the district competition with their powerful performance of Lafayette No. 1 by Mandy Conner!

A huge congratulations to our talented cast and crew for their dedication and hard work. Shout out to our individual award winners:

🏅 Technician Award: Oscar Baez
🎭 Honorable Mention: Julian Chapa & Jaiden Hardy
🌟 All-Star Cast: Mark Gonzalez & Dayanara Moreno

Thank you to everyone who has supported our journey—we can’t wait to take the stage at districts! Let’s go, Lobos! 🐺💙🎭

Lobo Theatre Company Proudly Presents:Lobo Theatre Company Proudly Presents:Lobo Theatre Company Proudly Presents:Lobo Theatre Company Proudly Presents: