FACE/PHS Social Work

Jose Oscar Ramos III, MSSW, LBSW
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year and the PHS social work page. I am excited about all that this new school year has to offer and look forward to working with our students and families as we focus on continuous improvement in learning, and building connections with students/families. We come back this school year with a renewed sense of commitment towards student growth, learning and fostering a school environment of trusted communication between our campus and your home. As campus social worker, I am committed to serving as a link between school and home, and to support and guide our students in becoming college, career and life ready. Please take time to explore this page where you will find resources regarding your rights as a parent/guardian under “Every Student Succeeds Act-Section 1116, mental health, prevention/intervention on suicide, health/wellness, tobacco/vaping, emergency resources in the Rio Grande Valley and homeless education resources. Remember that at Palmview High School “YOU MATTER”!
Social Worker Links
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention/ Fundación Americana para la Prevención del Suicidio https://afsp.org/
Anxiety and Depression/ Ansiedad y depresión
Child Mind Institute https://childmind.org/
Tobacco + Vaping Prevention/ Prevención de Tabaco + Vapear
Truth Initiative https://truthinitiative.org/
American Heart Association https://www.heart.org/en/
Health and Wellness/ Salud y Bienestar
KAISER PERMANENTE https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/front-door
Alliance for a Healthier Generation https://www.healthiergeneration.org/
RGV Emergency Resources/ Recursos de emergencia de RGV
Mujeres Unidas-Women Together Foundation Inc. www.mujeresunidas.org
United Way of South Texas https://unitedwayofsotx.org/
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Resources/ Recursos educativos para personas sin hogar de McKinney-Vento
Texas Homeless Education Office (THEO) 1-800-446-3142 www.utdanacenter.org
Texas Homeless Network 512-482-8270 www.thn.org
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth www.naehcy.org
National Coalition for the Homeless www.nationalhomeless.org
U.S. Department of Education 1-202-260-4412 www.ed.gov